OUR WORKWe provide children who have been abandoned, rescued from child trafficking or who have special needs with food, shelter, healthcare, education and a loving environment while we work to reunite them with their families, or to place them in new permanent families. We provide preparatory training and follow-up support to ensure the long-term success of child placements and family preservation.
Your advocating, donating or volunteering helps unleash potential and give opportunities to some of the most vulnerable children in this world. |
Our children’s home is a temporary place of refuge for vulnerable children who have been abandoned or rescued from human trafficking. Empirical research shows that no institution, no matter how good it may be, is an adequate replacement for family. We provide children with everything they need while we work to reunite them with their families, or to place them in new permanent families. We provide preparatory training and follow-up support to ensure the long-term success of child placements and family preservation.
Click here to see a diagram that shows our process. |
In Ghana, children with special needs are stigmatized, and are even thought to be part of a curse that is the source of a community’s problems. These children are quickly abandoned and left for dead. We offer these children a home, and in turn we are able to teach our other children, our staff, and our community (1) the truth about disabilities, (2) the good to all that comes from inclusion, and (3) the power of love. Our partner, Acacia Shade, has helped us with these efforts.
In Ghana, it is very difficult for most families to attain adequate medical care. Often parents are unable to work due to the needs of a sick child or they themselves have an unmet medical need that keeps them from being able to provide an income for their household. GMAD began a collaboration with Ghana Health Services, Graft Foundation and Latter-Day Saint Charities in an effort to put families on the path to self reliance by providing needed medical and surgical care. GMAD has been able to help hundreds of families receive desperately needed care by providing them access to healthcare providers, medical equipment, medications, and when necessary, surgical teams.
Due to the success of our recurring medical missions and the ongoing need for care, we built a medical clinic on our property. The clinic is set up to accommodate dentists, optometrists, and primary care physicians. The clinic will allow us to help families be self reliant by providing them with greater access to dental, vision and medical care. The clinic will also allow us to provide follow-up services for medical mission patients.
Many of the children sheltered at GMAD have been rescued from labor trafficking, and as such, have never attended school. The GMAD Academy of Learning was created in 2017 to provide a powerful curriculum that is customized and flexible to better meet the needs of our children. Unique for Ghana, our children learn on tablets and laptops. The school is located onsite.
We are currently raising funds to start construction on a new school. Our currant school, a converted chicken coop, will become a middle school and the new school will be better equipped to unlock each student's full potential. |
Sometimes videos tell it best. Watch a couple of these short videos.
Most of the children being served at GMAD have been rescued from forced labor trafficking in Lake Volta's fishing industry. One of our in-country partners, IJM, has a couple short videos that depict what our children have gone through before arriving at our shelter.
Check out our social accounts to stay up to date on our work in Ghana.