![]() October 28, 2012 The power is on & the Internet is working!! The journey was long, but everything went good. They made me check my carry on in Chicago & then I guess they just didn’t put it on the plane. Everyone they made check their bags didn’t get theirs but Patrick & I went to Accra yesterday & got it. So it worked out fine. Things are going good. I’ve been to the orphanage a couple times but since it’s been the weekend & Friday was a holiday I went the beach & cape coast with the other volunteers. Been learning to get around, which is good cuz the other volunteers leave in 3 weeks & I can’t imagine being capable of getting myself around on my own lol. Two of the girls here are from Brigham City, so that has been nice to have people from so close to home. The shoes for Patrick fit perfect, he is very excited. We are going to present the kids with the books, shoes, & clothes tomorrow or Tuesday. The kids that need shoes will get them & those that don’t will get clothes. Then they will save the rest for when they are needed. Patrick was very excited for the computer & the razor. We are moving the chicken farm starting today to the house. I guess the man he rents the land from wants it back so now the chicken farm will be in the yard of Patrick’s house, should be interesting. The kids will be helping us move 400 chickens lol, so I think I’ll take my camera. Kyndl ![]() The Eagle Idaho Stake has been amazing to watch in their generous efforts to support Ghana Make a Difference. A Stake is a name given to a large congregation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Approximately 6-10 Wards of smaller congregations form a Stake. Women throughout the Stake have taken ‘service’ to heart and dedicated themselves to assisting Ghana Make a Difference by helping the children at the orphanage. This group comes together on a regular basis to involve themselves in activities to provide humanitarian relief to others. Charlotte is the amazing woman who is the Stake Humanitarian Leader. She has spent countless hours organizing supplies and activities, sewing and putting together items to donate to the orphanage and the children there. Her energy and excitement to provide assistance to the orphanage is contagious. She is shown here with the pillowcase dresses sewn by the women of the Eagle Idaho Stake. ![]() On Saturday, September 29, 2012, women of the Eagle Idaho Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were invited to a dinner and special conference broadcast from church leaders in Salt Lake. Women attending were asked to provide assistance to Ghana Make a Difference by bringing closed-toed shoes. Women in the Eagle Stake went through their families shoes and donated what they no longer needed or wanted. Some women purchased shoes in excellent condition from 2nd hand stores to donate. Over 200 pairs of shoes were donated – child’s size 10 – adult 8-9. The Eagle Idaho Stake also held two Humanitarian "Work Days" where 40 adorable pillowcase dresses were sewn – sizes 2 – 12, for the 3 – 11 year old girls at the orphanage. Six more dresses were donated after the Work Days and 10 un-assembled dresses were given to the Young Women Class (14-16 year old girls) in the Star Idaho Stake, because the "girls want to help too!" ![]() Making sure the boys received much needed clothing, the Eagle Idaho Stake also sponsored "Britches (shorts) for Boys." They were able to collect 28 pair of boy’s shorts, sizes 2 – 14, for the 3 – 13 year old boys at the orphanage. Thank you so much to the Eagle Idaho Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for their endless support to Ghana Make a Difference and to the sweet kids at the orphanage. Pictures of the children with the donations are coming. The orphanage will be so excited to receive these generous donations given straight from the heart. |
August 2020